Great Idea #7269

Cereal Flavored Milk
The best part of eating a bowl of Apple Jacks or Cookie Crisp is the delicious milk that’s left in the bowl after you’ve eaten all the cereal. Why can’t I buy “Apple Jacks Milk” that already has the sweet goodness of Apple Jacks dissolved into the milk?

Would someone please implement this idea? I don’t care that you’ll make all the money and I won’t get a penny. I just want to be able to buy cereal flavored milk.

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4 Replies to “Great Idea #7269”

  1. Ivy, I think you had it right the first time…it is cereal in milk.

    I had this idea, seriously, about 12 years ago. Forget what I said about not wanting a penny for it! These guys ripped me off!

    And based on your comments, I guess the market for this product is two people smaller than I originally thought.

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