Our Own Hot Coffee Lawsuit

Looks innocent enough  

Looks innocent enough

It looks like the little town of Knoxville has finally arrived.  We’ve got a hot coffee lawsuit on our hands.  That’s not a hot lawsuit about coffee, it’s a lawsuit over hot coffee.

The lawsuit alleges that the 23-year-old Triplett drove to a Starbucks on Kingston Pike on July 13 and bought coffee via the store’s drive-through window. The lawsuit is silent on what Triplett ordered.

Seems like mos of the commenters over at KNS are in agreement–too bad, so sad.  I have to agree.  “The lid wasn’t put on properly” doesn’t seem like a $250k mistake to me.  Doesn’t this happen all the time?  It seems like every time I try to put a lid on one of those cups I can’t get it, and I’m an engineer.  (Insert joke about my inability to build a Jenga tower here.) I don’t expect a high school kid who hasn’t even taken trigonometry yet to be able to affix these lids perfectly every time.

I could probably find five or six better reasons to sue someone every day, and I go 3-4 day stretches where I don’t even walk out of my house.  Who is her attorney–Jackie Chiles?