A Wrinkle in Time

Quantum physics, string theory, stuff like lasers and ball bearings–these are just a few things that I like to pretend I understand. Usually I just invoke the names of Stephen Hawking or Dr. Emmett Brown. If my audience is really smart I’ll make a reference to “e”, the loneliest of all the irrational numbers. I had to read a lot of books to pretend to know so much, only to find out from Rooster that I was wasting my time. If you really want to confuse someone, try this line.

Rooster Time Warp

Rooster the Non-profit Executive

Rooster and I formerly served as officers for our rugby club.  It is rare that people who hold these positions are asked to speak on topics other than club members who have not yet paid their membership dues, and most relish these opportunities.  In his own eloquent way, Rooster makes sure his feelings about public speaking are well known.

Words of Wisdom

Words of Wisdom

A New Feature

Hat tip to Coma for telling me about Toonlet. This blog is about to get a lot more fun, due to the abundance of characters I’ve known in my life and the amazing things they’ve said. I can think of no better place to start than with the one man quote machine, Rooster. I give you “The Roost, Episode 1”