Professional Wrestlers Linked to Steroids?

Huh?! What?!

The hell you say!

Randy Orton, Ray Mysterio Jr., Edge, and Kurt Angle (Olympic gold medal in real wrestling) are all named.

Okay, taking steroids without a doctor’s prescription is illegal. Oh wait, the article says they had a prescription.

Either way, the gov’ment should do something about doctors prescribing dangerous steroids to people who don’t really need them. Maybe. But if they are going to go after them, I’d prefer they start with the “pain management” doctors prescribing Oxycontin. Continue reading “Professional Wrestlers Linked to Steroids?”

Vols in the Sweet 16!

And unlike the days of Uncle Jerry Green’s coaching tenure, people actually care.  What a great job Bruce Pearl did of adjusting at halftime.

Why Competition and Free Markets Benefit Everyone–Professional Wrestling

Huh? Think professional wrestling has nothing to do with legitimate competition? Read on…

I’m proud to admit that I’m a big fan of professional wrestling. I have been since I was a kid. Back then, when I thought it was real, I was drawn in by the characters, the storylines, the drama, and the suspense. Now that I’m all grown up and I’m wise to the game, I love it for the exact same reasons. The only difference now is that I seldom watch the matches anymore. Thanks to TiVo, I’m able to forward through them in order to get to the interviews and trash-talking. As I said, the characters and the storylines are what make it great for me. Continue reading “Why Competition and Free Markets Benefit Everyone–Professional Wrestling”