Poker Police Strike Again

Reason tells us about raids in Georgia, North Carolina, and some especially dangerous card sharks in Dallas.

I don’t get to play as much poker as I would like, but luckily, I’ve never been involved in a home game that was broken up by a S.W.A.T. team.  I’d like to believe that this is mainly due to the fact that our state and local law enforcement realize it would be a stupid waste of time.

However, I fear that home poker games will be next on their list, as soon as they can rid us of the social scurge that is cock fighting.

Don Imus

Okay.  I’ve officially spent too much time on this.

Let’s get on to something important, like who’s getting custody of Anna Nicole’s baby.


Global Warming Facts and Concensus

I wish I had more time to dedicate to writing a longer post that would remind my friends trained in the sciences about the strength of the scientific method and the differences between facts and theories.  For now, this aricle will have to do.  Matt Maschinot’s point in the article’s comments goes says just about all that needs to be said:

“Does anyone else find it a little unnerving that one of the greatest observations is in the history of man – Einstein’s “Theory of Relativity” is still – even after being empirically confirmed 100’s of times, without a single contradiction – relegated to the lowly status of ‘Theory’? While GW, while not having a single corroborative case, is considered by many to be scientifically proven ‘Fact’.”

Take the time to read this entire article.

Apologies to the Thompsons

Looks like I inadvertantly angered a couple of Fred’s relatives who read Bob Krumm. Sorry about that…didn’t mean to issue fuedin’ words.

If you are a fan of my biting humor (I did it mostly for you, Shizzle Van Dizzle) and sarcasm you may find it worth a read. If you are not, that means it has probably been directed at you in the last few days and you are still pouting about it. When you get over the fact that I hurt your feelings and realize that everything I say is mostly joking with a little bit of truth, go back and read it.

Seriously, Bob maintains a really informative site with frequent updates, good regional information, and some great original thought. Because his site is ad-free (unlike mine), you know he’s doing it just because he loves it. I read it every day. Check him out.

Gingrich and Kerry to Debate

Not presidential though, it’s climate.  What once was touted as a concern for humanity has now officially been polarized by the Republicrats as a way to sell books and get some “look at me” time.  Jeremy Jacobs has the full story.

I couldn’t help but be amused by this:

“As a father, when someone tells me that within the next decade, if we don’t deal with global warming, our children and grandchildren may deal with global catastrophe, that tells me I damn well better do whatever I can to help make Washington deal with this responsibly,” Kerry added.

Really?  When someone tells me that we’re headed towards a global catastrophe, it tells me that I damn well better figure out if this guy is full of shit before I work myself into a panic unnecessarily.

I tried to find something in there to make fun of Newt as well, just to be fair, but couldn’t.  Continue reading “Gingrich and Kerry to Debate”

Summing Up the Rest of Drudge Today

Nancy Pelosi proves beyond the shadow of a doubt that she is an idiot.

Jimmy Carter proves beyond the shadow of a doubt that he is (still) an idiot.

Mitt Romney proves he is as full of it as almost every other politician.

And then there’s this

My brother made a Freddy Krueger glove when we were kids, and I thought it was AWESOME!  To my knowledge, he never tried to slice my face off while I was sleeping, but maybe that was only because I always slept with a machete in hand and my face protected by a hockey mask.  😛

Girls Just Wanna Have Fights!

And teachers are doing nothing about it!  This is news!!!  Local6 in Orlando has video as well, if that’s something you want to watch.  Not for me, thanks.

“The teacher was just sitting there, and as soon as they started hitting each other, the teacher had called someone else,” student Partrick Charite said.

Witnesses also told Local 6 News that the substitute teacher said, “Let them fight,” during the scrum.

First, let me state (again) that it makes my stomach turn every time I hear a fight or scramble for a basketball referred to as a “scrum”.  I don’t think it’s too much to expect professional writers to know the meanings of the words they use, especially when they are sports writers and are using a sports term.  

A scrum is not a frantic melee, but the most complicated and intricate aspect of rugby.  It is kept safe and controlled mostly because its participants are strong, technically sound, and agile.  Saying that a couple of out of shape seventh grade girls slapping and pulling hair is a scrum is like saying that two mixed breed dogs humping Continue reading “Girls Just Wanna Have Fights!”

Do Smoking Bans Cause DUIs?

From the KNS:

”As the U.S. Surgeon General said last year — the debate is over, the science is clear. Secondhand smoke is a serious health hazard that causes premature death and disease in children and nonsmoking adults,” said Conte.

That statement is certainly true, and I’m not contesting it.  However, there is one small detail to this issue that proponents of smoking bans overlook–the freedom to choose. Continue reading “Do Smoking Bans Cause DUIs?”

Bank Robbery? Me?

Here’s something that doesn’t happen to you every day…

This morning on my way to work I passed an Alcoal police officer who quickly turned around and pulled me over.  I wasn’t speeding or doing anything else wrong, but oh well.  I rolled my window down and he motioned me out of the car.  He told me it was actually nothing, that there had been a bank robbery and that it obviously wasn’t me.  My plates and vehicle description were close to that of the suspect.

I told a co-worker about it as soon as I got in, and he forwarded a news email he’d received from WNOX‘s Dave Foulk.  The suspect was a female (obviously not me).  She was driving a silver VW Jetta (I drive a silver VW Golf), and the robbery happened at Northshore and Pellissippi (I’d driven by there moments before). 

Good job by the Alcoa police for a well-executed stop.  I think the officer was smart to pull me over.  Volkswagens look pretty much the same from the front, so a silver VW was a good reason for him to turn around and check it out.   The possibility also existed that a witness had seen a Golf, but thought it was a Jetta.  Additionally, the two of the last three digits of my plates matched that of the suspect.

Most importantly, he quickly realized I’d done nothing wrong, explained the situation, and told me to have a good day.  I wish all traffic stops were handled that well.


The KNS has more.